A cooperative tank game focusing on destruction and a fluid camera system. This is a case study about dynamic camera systems in couch co-op games made in Unreal Engine 4
Complete, Unpublished
Game Designer, Gameplay Programmer
Unreal Engine 4
Tanks: The Game
Tank ID
Tower Destruction
Camera Controls
This script figures out the player controller ID and assigns a material based on the player number to differentiate Player 1 & 2. Both players are controlled by the tank player controller and is assigned per player
This script spawns the camera actor and sets variables such as which tanks to track, how far apart they are, what angle the camera is supposed to be in and how to maintain both tanks in the same frame.
This is an Apex destructible actor from Unreal Engine. I created the fracture using a voronoi pattern and then applied damage based on the tank shell. When the tank shell hits the tower, it will apply a radial force at the impact location to shatter the tower appropriately.
This was my first project in Unreal Engine and the first exposure to blueprints. In this project I learned:
Blueprint communication
Vector math
Destructible actors
Co-op multiplayer