Based on Isaac Asimov’s groundbreaking literary saga, Journey to Foundation is an epic sci-fi VR roleplaying adventure that will take you to regions of space you’ve never explored.

Project Status

Launched: PSVR2, Meta Quest 3


Level Design


Unreal Engine 4

Level Design

I was mainly responsible for maintaining and expanding Mission 5. Those responsibilities included:

  • Using the level script to trigger checkpoints and waypoints to guide the player

  • Placing and distributing essential Items, sandbox items, and obstacles to challenge the player and help progress the story

  • Using Unreal Sequencer to animate setpieces and trigger background vignettes.

  • Using the proprietary narrative tool to trigger story and action events in Unreal.

  • Ensuring progression and playability from level start to finish. Among those responsibilities, I also helped maintain bugs across all levels in the game, ensuring there were no blockers.


Throughout the game, the player encounters enemy combatants determined by combat managers. I was responsible for:

  • Maintaining existing encounters by balancing combatant spawns and pathing.

  • Adding/Removing cover to help facilitate a better combat experience.

  • Creating a stealth section by making combatants follow a predictable spline path.

  • Balancing the Grilk boss encounter by triggering boss phases and additional combatant spawns.

Journey To Foundation

Puzzle Solving

The steam puzzle was designed to slow down the pace after an intense combat section, giving the player a chance to cool down. It also serves as a moment for NPC dialogue, advancing the story while solving a simple environmental puzzle.


In this section, Rivani is killed, and enemies are searching the apartments. The tight spaces create a risk of being cornered, so I encourage stealth by using negative space to guide the player forward.


The initial combat design overwhelmed the player, with enemies attacking from all directions, causing confusion. To improve focus, I adjusted the encounter to push the player toward cover at the back of the room, aligning the exit door with their view. Once the waves are defeated, the door opens, and a heavy enemy appears, clearly indicating the way forward.

Mission 5 Playthrough

Mission 5 Playthrough